私の名前は松野 真理(まつの まこと)と申します。
My name is Makoto Matsuno.
I was born and raised on the northern coast of the Yoshino River in Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku.
Given my name, "Makoto," people often assume I was brought up in a Christian family, but that is not the case. My father derived the name "Makoto" from the Shingon Buddhism of Kōbō Daishi, who is also known as Kūkai. [The characters「真理」Makoto mean 'truth' (shinri) and carry a religious connotation.]
Interestingly, Zentsūji, Kagawa Prefecture—the birthplace of Kūkai—was where my grandfather was stationed as a military police officer in the Imperial Japanese Army. It is also where I first encountered Christ.
I studied English at Shikoku Gakuin University, which has its roots in the Presbyterian Church in the United States. Guided by the KGK (Kirisuto-sha Gakusei Kai, or 'Christian Student Association'), I attended worship for the first time, became a seeker, and was baptized at Marugame Bible Church. After graduation, I studied Chinese in Beijing and then aimed to improve my English skills in Philadelphia.
北京では故・河口伝道師から弟子訓練を受け、JCCP では故・柴川牧師より薫陶を受け、その後の人生に大きな影響を受けました。「真理さんは牧師か伝道師になる使命を持った人だ。あなたがどんなに才能があって努力しても、他の道は聖霊によって閉ざされるだろう。神学校に行って学んでみませんか。」この柴川牧師の預言は今回実現しました。
In Beijing, I received discipleship training from the late Pastor Kawaguchi, and at JCCP, I was influenced by the late Pastor Shibakawa, whose presence significantly impacted my life. Pastor Shibakawa prophesied, "Makoto, you are called to be a pastor or a missionary. No matter how talented or hard-working you are, the Holy Spirit will close other paths. Why not go to a seminary?" This prophecy of Pastor Shibakawa has now come true.
I began my studies at the Pacific International Theological Seminary in 2009. Although it took time as I studied while working, God's will was accomplished. I earned a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies and a Master of Divinity—both American degrees.
故郷の徳島県と東京都で13年間、中学校英語教員として働き、教師冥利と苦労を体験しました。ICT 関連に才能があり、マレーシア IBM や教育 ICT 支援員として働きました。また日本写真家協会展(JPS 展)で入選したプロカメラマンでもあります。若い頃、真理を追求する報道写真記者になるのが夢でしたが、教育者となり、真理を伝える牧師の使命を与えられました。
I worked as a junior high school English teacher in Tokushima Prefecture and Tokyo for thirteen years, experiencing the joys and hardships of teaching. I have talents in information and communications technology: I worked at IBM Malaysia and elsewhere as ICT educational support staff. I am also a professional photographer who has been selected for the Japan Professional Photographers Society (JPS) exhibition. In my youth, my dream was to become a photojournalist pursuing truth; but I was called to be an educator and a pastor who conveys the truth.
ローマ人への手紙 8章 28節
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
Romans 8 : 28
When I was young, I thought the goal of life was to live for self-fulfillment and to work hard towards that end. Despite my best efforts, things did not go as I had wished. I grew tired of my lack of effort and abilities, and I regretted past mistakes. I even began to think my existence was pointless.
However, the purpose of life is not within ourselves, but with God. God has good plans for us. Without going through hardships, humans do not seek God. And God's salvation is the salvation of our souls. When I experienced being loved by Jesus despite my imperfections, I could walk a life of joy, knowing that everything in life is not in vain. I am growing into a person who cannot help but share that joy with my neighbors.
聖書には「わたしの目にあなたは価高く、貴く、わたしはあなたを愛している。」イザヤ書 43 : 4 と書かれています。生きる喜びと使命を与えられ、イエス様と共に歩む人生となりますように祈っております。
It is written in Isaiah 43:4 that you are "precious and honored" in the sight of the LORD who loves you. I pray that you will be given joy and purpose in the life and walk with Jesus.
The area around Philadelphia where this church is located has many universities and is where scholars like Hideyo Noguchi, Tsuda Umeko, Nitobe Inazō, and Uchimura Kanzō studied and worked as international students during the Meiji era. Even far from Japan, they found their life's mission in Christ and lived in love and truth.
I am grateful for the joy of having the opportunity to visit Philadelphia, "The City of Brotherly Love," and to worship Jesus together with you.
フィラデルフィア日本人教会 牧師
Pastor Makoto Matsuno
Japanese Christian Church of Philadelphia