マタイの福音書 6章 31ー33節
"Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
Matthew 6 : 31 - 33
エリザベス・グレイ・ヴァイニングさんを JCCP がフェローシップハウスに迎えた際に撮影されました。
This photograph was taken when JCCP welcomed Mrs. Elizabeth Gray Vining, tutor to the Emperor (Heisei-tennō),
to the Fellowship House in 1946.
A History of the Japanese Christian Church of Philadelphia
フィラデルフィア日本人キリスト教会は、1944年11月19日に、ブラウンストリートにあるフェローシップハウスで初めての集まりがもたれた時に創立の起源を置いてます。当時は、一世の方々がほとんどで、初めての会長は内田尭兄(故人)、書記は堀川昇三兄(故人)、会計は樋口久樹兄(故人、ヘンリー樋口兄の父上)でした。また森内平次郎兄(故人)、金田トメ姉(故人)、下川俊悟兄(故人)が役員をしておられました。また名称は、費府(フィラデルフィア)日本人基督同志会、英語では「Philadelphia Christian Fellowship」と呼ばれてました。
The Japanese Christian Church of Philadelphia traces its origins to its first gathering on November 19, 1944, at the Fellowship House on Brown Street. At that time, most attendees were isseis: first-generation Japanese immigrants. The first president was Brother Takashi Uchida (deceased); the first secretary was Brother Shōzō Horikawa (deceased); and the first treasurer was Brother Hisaki Higuchi (deceased), the father of Brother Henry Higuchi. Other board members included Brother Heijiro Moriuchi (deceased), Sister Tome Kaneda (deceased), and Brother Shungo Shimokawa (deceased). The church was initially called the "Hifu [Philadelphia] Nihonjin Christ Dōshikai" (or the "Philadelphia Christian Fellowship" in English).
Barnes Center at Pine Street (1956)
The Founding Pastors: Tsuchiyama, Hasegawa, Nishimura, Sakaguchi
In the beginning, worship services were held only twice a month (at 2 PM). The first pastors were Reverend Bokko Tsuchiyama, a Princeton seminary student; Reverend Shintarō Hasegawa, a seminary student from Delaware House; and Reverend Masamoto Nishimura. Revs. Tsuchiyama and Hasegawa took turns preaching, alternating on the first Sunday of each month; Rev. Nishimura was assigned to the second Sunday. Reverend Masamoto Nishimura, originally a pastor at the Free Methodist Church in Berkeley, California, came to New York in March 1944 after departing from the Topaz Relocation Center in Utah. Since there were already three Japanese churches in New York at the time, he did not have his own church there. However, he traveled from New York to Philadelphia to serve at the Dōshikai every month for nine years until June 1953, when he moved to the Los Angeles Free Methodist Church.
1953年に西村牧師が LA に行かれてからは、自由メソジスト教会の樫谷純郎牧師と、フリーホーリネス派の末広牧師がその後を引き受けて毎日曜日、ご奉仕してくださいました。しかし樫谷牧師はその後アリゾナ州フェニックスの教会へ、また以前よりかわるがわる来て下さった牧師さん達も、カリフォルニアやワシントン州などに移っていかれたので坂口竜雄牧師が牧会されることになりました。
After Pastor Nishimura moved to Los Angeles in 1953, Reverend Sumio Kashitani from the Free Methodist Church and Reverend Suehiro from the Free Holiness Church took over, serving every Sunday. However, Reverend Kashitani later relocated to a church in Phoenix, Arizona, and the other pastors who had been serving in turns also moved to places like California and Washington. Pastor Tatsuo Sakaguchi took over pastoral duties as a result.
Pastor Sakaguchi was born in Fukui Prefecture in November 1897 (Meiji 30). After graduating from the Kobe School of the Southern Presbyterian Church, he served as a pastor in Nakatsu Town, Gifu Prefecture. He later moved to the United States and joined the Stockton Presbyterian Church in California, where he was ordained in 1929. After that, he served at Cordes Presbyterian Church and Fresno Union Church. However, during the wartime anti-Japanese exclusion movement, he was sent to an internment camp in Arkansas. In May 1944, he came to Philadelphia. As mentioned above, just when other pastors were moving away, God guided Pastor Sakaguchi to our church at the perfect time.
それまでは、教会員の金田トメという方が住んでおられたので、フェローシップを借りていましたが、そのミセス金田が移転されることになったので、1954年3月7日より、705 Pine Street の Barnes Center で礼拝を持つことになりました。
Until then, the church had been borrowing the fellowship from Mrs. Tome Kaneda, a church member. However, when Mrs. Kaneda decided to move, the church began holding worship services at the Barnes Center located at 705 Pine Street from March 7, 1954.
At that time, regular attendees at the worship services included the late Sister Reiko Koiwai, the late Sister Hama Watanabe, the late Hisaki Higuchi, the Hatsuno couple, Brother Seizo Sakamoto, the late Sister Tokuko Fujita, the late Brother Albert Kajio, the late Kazuo Okabayashi, the Yoshie couple, the late Brother William Ishida, the late Saburo Inoue, and the Michiyo couple, among others.
1907 Chestnut Street のユダヤ人教会の会堂を借りることになったのは、1965年7月4日の聖日でしたが、それまで使っていた建物の老朽化のため、移転せざるを得なかったのです。
The decision to rent the hall of the Jewish church at 1907 Chestnut Street was made on the Sunday of July 4, 1965. This move became necessary due to the deterioration of the building they had been using until then.
In November 1965, Pastor Sakaguchi turned 65 years old and decided to retire. However, at the church's request, he continued to serve as the senior pastor even after retirement until he was replaced by Pastor Yoshitaka Shimada.
Rev. Peter Yoshitaka Shimada
Pastor Shimada was from Moji in Kitakyūshū. After graduating from Kumamoto University, he went to the United States and studied at Oral Roberts University's seminary for one year in 1965. He then transferred to and graduated from Temple University. After graduation, while working for a company called Sun Oil, he served at the Japanese church about once a month. He alternated leading worship services with Pastor Sakaguchi.
Around 1971, Pastor Sakaguchi decided to officially retire due to health reasons. Consequently, Pastor Shimada, who had been assisting Pastor Sakaguchi, fully took over the church's responsibilities. He continued to rent the Jewish synagogue on Chestnut and began holding pastoral services every Sunday afternoon, just as before.
The following sub-chapters are enumerated to signify the major changes that occurred under Pastor Shimada's leadership.
Rev. Shimada with wife Hisako-san
The Japanese Bible Fellowship of Philadelphia
JCCP には、1970年以前にはアフリカ系アメリカ人と結婚した日本人女性は参加していませんでした。彼女達は、1960年 「フィラデルフィア日本人聖書会」を結成、活動していました。
1959年ハント仁子姉が自宅の近くにある First African Presbytery Church の日曜礼拝に参加されていた三根利夫先生と出会い(当時 Lincoln University に留学中)、聖書の勉強をしたいと言う想いを話ました。その熱い想いに感動した三根先生は、ハント姉、メーソン姉とグリーン姉の3人に聖書の手解きを始めたのです(讃美歌の練習から始めたそうです)。「フィラデルフィア日本人聖書会」の誕生です。3年して常時15~20人ほどが参加するグループに成長していたのですが、三根先生は日本へ帰国される事になり、指導者を失い困っていました。しかし神様の不思議な導きで当時ユニオン神学校に留学して来られた船本弘毅先生(その後関西学院教授や東京女子大学長を歴任)が African-American Church にヘンリー・ニコルス牧師を訪問して来られた折にハントさんと遭遇したのです。ハント姉の懇願で船本先生が「フィラデルフィア日本人聖書会」を指導して下さる様になったのです(詳細は協会便り140号船本先生の回顧録を参照下さい)。船本先生は、忙しい勉学の中、1962年から2年間ニューヨークシティから月に一度フィラデルフィアに来て指導して下さったのです(「主の祈り」をまず学んだそうです)。
その後ラトガース大学の大林先生や島田牧師夫妻の指導を受け、当時「アフリカ系アメリカ人と結婚した日本人女性の母」と慕われていた坂本長老の強い推薦で1970年 JCCP にジョインしたのです。このグループが1990年代から2010年の JCCP の主体となり教会をサポートして来ました。
島田牧師夫妻とハント姉は Lumberton & Willingboro, NJ 近辺に住むアフリカ系アメリカ人と結婚した日本人女性のために聖書家庭集会を1970年中頃からリードされてきました。この集会を始めたのは島田牧師夫妻でしたが、それから40年間牧師が5代も替わたのに、絶えることなく月1回のこの家庭集会が続いたのは、ハント姉の強い想いとハワード姉の努力・リーダーシップに負う所が多いと思います。この NJ 家庭集会メンバーは、毎月きちんと献金をされ、バザーなどにも大きく貢献されてきました。
(For more information, please refer to the following archived newsletters.)
[1] JCCP 教会便り #140 号:
「国際結婚した日本人女性の家庭集会をリードしたバント姉とハワード姉」大塚 隆英
[2] JCCP 教会便り #140 号:
「フィラデルフィア日本人聖書会、フィラデルフィア日本人教会との出会い」船本 弘毅
[3] JCCP 教会便り #148 号:
「アメリカ春秋」三根 利夫
三根先生と発足当初のメンバー (1962年頃撮影)
Mine-sensei with the founding ladies (ca. 1962)
(From left to right: Sister Harumi Gay with Alex; Mine-sensei; Sisters Suzy, Hunt, Mason, and Green)
Dr. and Mrs. Funamoto
Affiliation with the Presbyterian Church
1979年に長老会の教会に正式に参加しました。しかしそれまでにも坂口先生も長老派でしたし、島田牧師もフィラデルフィア市郊外の Narberth Presbyterian Church の教会員でした。また長老派教会の Bryn Mawr 教会、 Philadelphia Presbytery からもフィラデルフィア近郊の日本人ミッションのためいろいろな形で交流とサポートがありましたので、ごく自然に長老教会の組織に参加しました。
In 1979, our church officially joined the Presbyterian denomination. However, even before that, Reverend Sakaguchi was also Presbyterian, and Pastor Shimada was a member of Narberth Presbyterian Church in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Additionally, the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church and the Philadelphia Presbytery provided various forms of interaction and support for the Japanese mission in the Philadelphia area. Therefore, it was a very natural transition for this church to join the Presbyterian organization.
Purchase of the Church Building
We moved from the Jewish synagogue to our current building on the first Sunday of September 1984. On September 16, a dedication ceremony was held, welcoming Eijiro Fujio-sensei from Tokyo. It was a wonderful dedication ceremony filled with gratitude and joy, as we received the church building we had been praying to God for for so long.
献堂式 (1984年11月14日)
Dedication of building, September 14, 1984
Donor's Nameplate
Contributions of Students from Princeton Theological Seminary
In the early days, students from Princeton Theological Seminary regularly came to serve at our church. These students included Brother Wesley Cummings (1987 - 88), Brother Steve Yamaguchi (1987 - 88), Brother Tom Getz (1988 - 89), Brother Taku Kusakabe (1989 - 93) and Brother Ken Miyamoto (summer of 1990). In addition, Brother Masaaki Shiraiwa (1990 - 92) from Westminster Theological Seminary also served at JCCP.
Rev. Fujita and Rev. Murata
島田牧師が1991年7月に辞任されてから、長老会は後任牧師招聘委員会を作り田原実長老か委員長となっていろいろな候補者にあまりましたがどなたも適当な牧師が見当たりませんでした。丁度その時にロサンゼルスに居られた藤田正武牧師が自分からフィラデルフィア日本人教会の牧師として来ることを申し出られ、1991年8月から1994年7月まで3年間の臨時担当牧師としてフィラデルフィアに来て下さることになりました。教会は、是非とも藤田先生を主任牧師としてお招きしたかったのですが先生の年齢とメソジスト教会からの移籍ができないとの理由で Interim Pastor(臨時担任牧師)としてフィラデルフィアに来られたのでした。
The church session formed a Pastoral Search Committee with Elder Minoru Tahara as the chair following Pastor Shimada's resignation in July 1991. The committee reached out to various candidates, but couldn't find a suitable pastor. Around that time, Pastor Masatake Fujita, who was in Los Angeles, volunteered to come to the Japanese Christian Church of Philadelphia. He came to Philadelphia as an interim pastor, serving from August 1991 to July 1994. The church very much wanted to invite Pastor Fujita as the senior pastor, but due to his age and the inability to transfer from the Methodist Church, he remained an interim pastor during his time in Philadelphia.
藤田先生ご夫妻は3年間、イントリム・パスターとしての役割以上にめざましい働きをされ、教会は藤田先生に名誉牧師の号を送ることを総会で決議しました。そして有志が先生の母校、ドルー大学に藤田記念奨学資金を設けることで、先生の労を報いることになりました。藤田先生はそれまで福岡女学院の院長であり前のトロント日系人合同教会の牧師としてトロントに居られた村田豊恒牧師を後任としてお迎えする準備をされて、1994年7月17日に村田牧師の就任式と同時に辞任をされ、ロサンゼルスののぞみ教会に赴任されるためフィラデルフィアを去られました。村田牧師は11年 JCCP にて牧会されました。
During his three years as interim pastor, Pastor Fujita and his wife performed remarkable work beyond their interim roles. The church decided in a general meeting to award Pastor Fujita the title of Honorary Pastor. Additionally, volunteers established the Fujita Memorial Scholarship Fund at his alma mater, Drew University, to honor his contributions. Pastor Fujita, who was previously the principal of Fukuoka Jogakuin and had been the pastor at the Toronto Japanese United Church, prepared to welcome Pastor Toyotsune Murata as his successor. On July 17, 1994, Pastor Fujita resigned concurrently with Pastor Murata's installation ceremony and left Philadelphia to take up a new position at Nozomi Church in Los Angeles. Pastor Murata then served at JCCP for 11 years.
(Front row, left: Rev. Fujita. Front row, right: Rev. Tsuchiyama. Behind: Rev. Murata.)
Rev. Hideo Shibakawa
村田牧師が辞任されてから、2005年7月に東京から柴川秀夫牧師が招聘され、就任。柴川牧師は50代後半より献身を決意し、2006年3月に California Pacific School of Theology で学ばれ、Doctor of Ministry を修得し、卒業後、埼玉県大宮の勝利教会での伝道者としての働きを経て、広島県の呉市にある広福音キリスト教会で2000年4月から2004年9月まで牧師として奉仕されていました。柴川夫妻は藤尾英二郎先生が伝道者として仕えてこられた東京中野のキリスト同信会に長年所属し、奉仕されていました。
After Pastor Murata resigned, Pastor Hideo Shibakawa was invited from Tokyo and took office in July 2005. Pastor Shibakawa decided to devote himself to ministry in his late fifties, studying at California Pacific School of Theology in March 2006 and earning a Doctor of Ministry degree. After graduation, he worked as an evangelist at Shōri Church in Omiya, Saitama Prefecture, and served as a pastor at Hirofukuin Christian Church in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture, from April 2000 to September 2004. The Shibakawa couple had long been associated with and served at the Christ Dōshinkai in Nakano, Tokyo, where Eijiro Fujirō-sensei had been ministering as an evangelist.
Rev. Shibakawa with wife Etsuko-san
創設会員金田家の次女で初代 Organist の Grayce Uyehara を訪問した折の写真。
A photo taken while visiting Grayce Uyehara, first church organist and second daughter of the founding Kaneda family.
Rev. Toshihiro Tamura
柴川牧師が5年間のビザ任期を終え、2010年3月日本へ帰国された後(名古屋、刈谷公同教会に就任)、長老派教会より Joe Baker 牧師を協力・指導牧師として迎えつつ、田村寿宏牧師が日本から招聘しましたが、ビザの発給が遅れ、約半年間、無牧の時期がありました。しかし神様の恵みにより無牧の期間もゲスト・スピーカーの方々を招き、教会の礼拝は守られ、正式に2011年10月より田村牧師が就任となりました。田村牧師は2年向 JCCP に奉仕され、2013年夏 Edmonton, Canada の教会に転出されました。
Once his five-year visa term was completed, Pastor Shibakawa returned to Japan in March 2010 and took up a position at Kariya Kōdō Church in Nagoya. Meanwhile, Rev. Joe Baker from the Presbyterian Church was brought in as an assistant and supervising pastor. Rev. Toshihiro Tamura was invited from Japan, but due to a delay in visa issuance, there was an interim period of about six months without a pastor. However, by God's grace, various guest speakers were invited during this period to maintain the continuation of the church's worship services. Pastor Tamura officially took up his position in October 2011. Pastor Tamura served JCCP for two years before transferring to a church in Edmonton, Canada in the summer of 2013.
Rev. Toshihiro Tamura
Rev. Mary Kruse Zambrana
田村牧師がカナダの日本人教会へ移られるため、2013年7月で退任し、後任にメリー・クルス・ザンブラナ牧師が正式に2013年9月に就任。メリー牧師は日本での宣教経験もあり、イースタン・バプテスト・神学校(現パルマー神学校)を卒業し、1994年卒業米国長老派教会で按手を受け牧会経験のある日英バイリンガルの牧師です。すでに田村牧師の在職中にも、メリー牧師は積極的に JCCP の伝道活動に協力して下さっていました。メリー牧師は、約10年 JCCP 牧師として奉仕され、2024年5月に退任されました。在任中、Philadelphia 近郊に住む日本人への伝道をされ、特に社会的弱者を良くサポートされました。
Following Pastor Tamura’s resignation in July 2013, his successor, Pastor Mary Cruz Zambrana, officially took office in September of that same year. A graduate of Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary—now Palmer Theological Seminary—and ordained by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in 1994, Pastor Mary also has missionary experience in Japan. She has pastoral experience in both the Japanese and English languages. Pastor Mary was an active assistant in JCCP’s evangelistic activities even during Pastor Tamura’s tenure. Mary served as the pastor of JCCP for about ten years, retiring in May 2024. During her tenure, she ministered to Japanese people living in the Philadelphia area, particularly providing strong support to the socially vulnerable.
Rev. Mary Kruse Zambrana