
日米友好誕生の道 / US-Japan Friendship Birth Road

The US-Japan Friendship Birth Road was founded by Takahide Otsuka.


「JCCP は明治初期の日本を Lead した Pioneers たちが歩いた道のほぼ中心に位置します。私はこの道を「日米友好誕生の道」と呼んで居ます:」


"JCCP is located almost at the center of the path walked by the pioneers who led Japan in the early Meiji period. I call this path the 'US-Japan Friendship Birth Road':"


A. 津田梅子の学んだ Bryn Mawr College

Bryn Mawr College, where Umeko Tsuda studied


B. 有島武郎が留学、新渡戸稲造が教鞭をとった Haverford College

Haverford College, where Takeo Arishima studied and Nitobe Inazō taught


C. 新渡戸稲造 / Mary Patterson Elkinton 夫妻が住んでいた Friends’ Central School

Friends' Central School, where the Nitobes Inazō and Mary Patterson Elkinton resided


D. フィラデルフィア日本人キリスト教会  Japanese Christian Church of Philadelphia


E. 吉村順三の設計建築による日本建築、松風荘  Japanese House and Garden

Shofuso, a Japanese building designed and built by Junzō Yoshimura