出版 / Publications

Takahide Otsuka 大塚 隆英

(Elder "Taka" Takahide Otsuka is the current Clerk of Session of our church.)

  • "In Memory of Ayako Tanaka Baker"
  • アメリカ社会の底流に流れるキリスト教精神と文化
    "The Christian Undercurrent of American Society"
  • オバマ大統領誕生と黒人エリートの涙
    "The Birth of President Obama and the Tears of the Black Elite"
  • カオスからの復興に見る日米比較
    "The Differences Between Japan and the US in their Recoveries from Chaos"
  • ジョン万次郎、小山晃祐、藤尾貞子に共通する愛
    "The Love Shared by John Manjirō, Kosuke Koyama, and Sadako Fujio"
  • 創立65周年行事を終えて
    "Notes on the Occasion of JCCP's 65th Anniversary"
  • 土山牧師の証に励まされて
    "Encouraged by Pastor Tsuchiyama's Testimony"
  • 東日本大震災に思うこと
    "Thoughts on the Tōhoku Earthquake"
  • 牧羔先生とフィラデルフィア日本人キリスト教会の絆
    "The Bond Between Rev. Bokkō and the Japanese Christian Church of Philadelphia"

(Click here to read more about the US-Japan Friendship Birth Road, founded by Takahide Otsuka.)


From the JCCP Archives

(The following are excerpts from our newsletter archive, selected for their historical significance).

  • JCCP 教会便り #140 号:
    「国際結婚した日本人女性の家庭集会をリードしたハント姉とハワード姉」大塚 隆英
    "Sisters Hunt and Howard: Leaders of the Home Meetings for the Japanese Women Who Married Internationally" by Takahide Otsuka
  • JCCP 教会便り #140 号:
    「フィラデルフィア日本人聖書会、フィラデルフィア日本人教会との出会い」船本 弘毅
    "Memories: JCCP and the Japanese Bible Fellowship of Philadelphia" by Funamoto-sensei
  • JCCP 教会便り #148 号:
    「アメリカ春秋」三根 利夫
    "The American Years" by Toshio Mine