Takahide Otsuka 大塚 隆英
(Elder "Taka" Takahide Otsuka is the current Clerk of Session of our church.)
"In Memory of Ayako Tanaka Baker"
"The Christian Undercurrent of American Society"
"The Birth of President Obama and the Tears of the Black Elite"
"The Differences Between Japan and the US in their Recoveries from Chaos"
"The Love Shared by John Manjirō, Kosuke Koyama, and Sadako Fujio"
"Notes on the Occasion of JCCP's 65th Anniversary"
"Encouraged by Pastor Tsuchiyama's Testimony"
"Thoughts on the Tōhoku Earthquake"
"The Bond Between Rev. Bokkō and the Japanese Christian Church of Philadelphia"
(Click here to read more about the US-Japan Friendship Birth Road, founded by Takahide Otsuka.)
From the JCCP Archives
(The following are excerpts from our newsletter archive, selected for their historical significance).
JCCP 教会便り #140 号:
「国際結婚した日本人女性の家庭集会をリードしたハント姉とハワード姉」大塚 隆英
"Sisters Hunt and Howard: Leaders of the Home Meetings for the Japanese Women Who Married Internationally" by Takahide Otsuka
JCCP 教会便り #140 号:
「フィラデルフィア日本人聖書会、フィラデルフィア日本人教会との出会い」船本 弘毅
"Memories: JCCP and the Japanese Bible Fellowship of Philadelphia" by Funamoto-sensei
JCCP 教会便り #148 号:
「アメリカ春秋」三根 利夫
"The American Years" by Toshio Mine